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Clarissa Sue
Wednesday September 3, 2008
Oklahoma City Oklahoma
When I was a little girl, my grandfather would vacation in Florida. He always bought my sisters and myself a bottle of the orange blossom in the little orange. I loved the smell and to this day I love orange scented perfumes and bath products. I recently learned that I can purchase orange scented laundry detergent so I will be looking for it at the store. Thank you. So glad the product is still around.
Wednesday September 3, 2008
Upper mid west
I tried this scent years & years ago...love love love it...
Can we expect larger sizes anytime soon? Thanks,Claudia
Friday July 25, 2008
The first time I got to have orange blossom purfume was in Panama City, and it was a gift from a visitor center, that a cup of oj. That was 40 years ago. wow.
Sunday July 20, 2008
Macon, Ga
I am from Tampa and have really missed my Orange Blossoms. Thanks, I will be back.
Saturday May 10, 2008
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
Thank you so much for letting me purchase this special item my daughter and I so enjoyed the little orange container, we were both eager to order the Ocean shell container! Very nice! Chris